We complain all the time about the Internet driving us apart, making us more distant from each other. We talk about Internet friendships not being so “real”.
I want to tell you about a friendship that I have. It’s totally online. I’ve never met this person in real life at all. But when I was suffering a mental breakdown, she was there with kindness, wisdom and the occasional joke to lift my spirits. When my family fell apart, she generous in explaining how she has dealt with emotional and relationship problems and how she learned to craft her life. Even if it has been a textual friendship, an LJ friendship, I treasure it. I’m here to say, roadnotes, you rock and I am grateful for your generosity. Through
roadnotes, I friended her partner
baldanders. Through his posts I’ve learned a great deal about music, politics and the arts in general. He’s Good People and quite worthy of such a cool woman.
baldanders has had a stroke and is still in the hospital. He is self-employed and has no insurance, so not only is there the catastrophic issue of his health, there is the financial issue of his care.
I’d like to call upon anyone whose life has been touched by someone online to give a little something if you can in honor of that to baldanders and
roadnotes. It’s amazing how tiny bits can add up, and they really do need a lot of help right now. You can click on this link to donate something. Even a little bit counts.
If you haven’t anything (and I know times are rough), good thoughts and prayers are always welcome.
Thanks guys.
I don’t know the people you mentioned, and all I know about you is what I have learned reading your posts here on on the polyfamilies list, so I don’t really *know* you either, but I was touched by your desire to help them. I am in a position to help (a little) so I have sent what I could.
Thank you for the opportunity to help.
I also have wonderful friends whom I met online. We have been
every bit as supportive of one another over the years as “IRL”
friends, So I believe in friends wherever you find them!
That being said, I wish I could do more to help, but I send along
best wishes, bright blessings, and hope for the future for your
I’m always disturbed when people treat online friends as somehow less real than face-to-face friends. Is the physical presence really what we value, more than the brains, personality, and so forth that actually make a person unique? I hope your friend gets the support he needs. I wish I could afford to help.