While certainly housekeeping is not poly-specific, the attitudes around housework and housekeeping can contribute to a happy poly household or rip it apart.
May I present an option that might be of use to some of you:
The basic system might seem a bit like FlyLady. You do bit of work in small spurts, then take a break. Instead of shining your sink, the idea is to make your bed every day – in both cases the action is intended for you to create the habit of making a small amount of order in your surroundings habitually. Does it tend to spread?
Of course.
Where I think UFYH shines is the concept of the 20/10 (work for twenty minutes, take ten minute break, lather, rinse, repeat if you need to). The 20/10 is great for group efforts, which is why I rather like it for the poly family. I think OLQ in its happier days would have taken to it rather well. Marathon cleaning was discouraged, and short bursts of intensive work suited all of us well.
But wait, there’s more!
For the iPhone user, Unfuck Your Habitat has an app! You can set a timer for a 20/10, look for an unfucking challenge if you don’t know where to get started, and even keep track of your housecleaning achievements. Yes, making things a game is good for household harmony!
If you have an iPhone, check it out!
No, this is not entirely altruistic, mind. The developer spent all her available time/money creating the iPhone app, so there’s no Android app. I’m an Android user, so the more of you nuts who have drunk the Apple Kool-Aid buy this, the faster I get my own app. Yes, tightwad that I am, I will drop a buck ninety nine for this app, as it looks awesome.
I’m amused that the app is named Unfilth Your Habitat!
Yeah, I think Apple is being utterly gutless in how the app has been released.
I have the app on my iPad, and I have also been using it! I think I have gotten my two bucks back in just the improvement in my house in the past two days.
Breaking the larger jobs into 20 minute chunks with breaks really makes the projects seem more doable. Also, it is surprising how much you can get done in 20 minutes.