The holiday season is fast approaching and many people often wonder how to handle alternative lifestyles such as polyamory and holidays. I’d like to offer a list of Useful Tips that will help with the Cool Kids/Backward Family interface. If you’re thinking of coming out at a family gathering…. DON’T. Good grief, have a…
Category: polyamory 101
Ten Tips to Great Poly Relationships
This is my top ten things you can do for great multiple relationships. 1. Don’t try to be a “good” poly person. If you’ve been reading online material a lot, you may have developed an idea of what a good polyamorous person should be doing, and you may be trying to tie yourself into knots…
I Thought We Were POLY
Polyamory is about love and intimacy, right? So poly people are the lovingest, mostest intimate cuddlemuffins out there. If you find someone wants to keep the slightest bit of themselves to themselves, they’re not really poly. People that need space cannot possibly be polyamorous. They’re sneaky monsters with an agenda to torture the poor loving…
Help Me With My Homework
I was recently asked if I’d consent to an interview, but the questions were pretty good and basic, so I’m posting them here: 1. What are common misconceptions you have found with polyamory? Probably the most common is that partners are disposable or interchangeable on some level. The culture that surrounds the monogamy paradigm also…
Does It WORK?
In studying the alternative lifestyles and communities of the US in the past 200-odd years, there has been an attempt to judge whether or not these communities are good. That’s fine in the context of a rigid social system or system of morality against which it present a background or framework. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending…
How Do I Meet People?
Okay, either you’re single or you’ve got your primary relationship solid. You’re centered in loving each other, you’re communicating great. Now, you’d like to meet poly people and form some more fantastic relationships. SCREECH! How? That’s going to depend on a lot of things. Where you do you live? Off the top of my head,…
Am I Ready for Polyamory?
Have you been considering polyamory? Wondering where you want to go with your relationships? Do you wonder if you’re really ready to take the leap? If you’re wondering, that’s good. It means you’re thinking. Mama Java approves of thinking about things clearly. When you get to thinking, you’ll need to start asking yourself some searching…
Back to Basics
In any physical art you study, be it dance, martial arts, swimming, or team sport, one day, you’ll go to class or practice and the coach/teacher will announce with an evil gleam to the eyes, “We’re drilling the basics today.” The beginners won’t react much. They’re still learning, after all, and any basics drill is…