I want everyone who has been practicing polyamory for more than a couple of years to give their lives some thought. Y’all’ve been doing safer sex, right? You all know how disease vectors work. If your partner is exposed to an STD, then you and everyone you’re involved with is also exposed, right? You understand…
Category: safer sex
Polyamory, STDs and Partner Communication
Dear Goddess of Java, I was recently tested for all STDs and found, to my delight, that I have no STDs. I felt relief and actually thought about calling someone to tell them… but then I thought, whom should I call? I called my primary partner, of course, because it was mostly for him that…
Before You Do the Deed!
Anyone over the age of 13 ought to know that sex can have consequences. We all know you can get pregnant, get a disease, blah, blah, blah, that safe sex isn’t1 and that contraception is not always perfect. Do you ever talk about this sort of thing with your partners? If you don’t/haven’t, please do….
What They Don’t Tell You About STDs and Non-Monogamy
This week’s column is by guest writer, Jenny Ford. So you’ve researched the risk profile of all your favorite sexual activities and set your preferred standards for safer sex. Do you think you are now protected from the sexually-transmitted pestilence to which your immoral lifestyle exposes you? Think again. This is a true story….
How About A Sense of Proportion
Originally published at http://www.polyfamilies.com/misanthrope20041127.html “Honey, I’ve just been tested and I found out I have a curable STD. You should go to the doctor’s office and get yourself checked out.” Quick, what’s your reaction? If it is not something along the lines of, “Auugggh cooties, leprosy, howcouldyouDOthistome!?!”, you’re in the minority. There’s a stigma attached…