The PolyWorks Fund Charity is really taking shape and we’re in the process of starting the site now.
We know that the polyamory community is full of talented, creative people and so, we’re going to ask for a little help and ask for a logo donation.
We need an original logo for the org that is:
1. Easily reproducible in print and on a website.
2. Gives a feeling of sturdy capability. (The name of the charity is PolyWorks Fund, after all, so we’re a workin’ charity).
3. Is not limited to the infinite heart motif one often sees in the polyamory community. While hearts are popular, thinking outside the box for this one is a good idea.
PolyWorks Fund is organized for polyamorous people to unite as a positive force within the global community by giving time, energy, and monetary support to the various needs of people throughout the world.
Send submissions to with the subject line: “PolyWorks Fund Logo Submission”. Please make sure that submissions are in .jpeg, .tif, or .gif format for the selection process.
Chosen submission will become the property of the PolyWorks Fund including but not limited to reproduction rights and sales rights. The artist of the chosen submission may keep copies for portfolio purposes. Unselected submissions will not be returned to the artist. Submissions that are not chosen remain the intellectual property of the artist and will not be reproduced nor sold by the PolyWorks Fund.
Deadline for Submissions is February 1, 2008.
Merry Christmas and happy birthday to you.
When you get this project under way, ask me about giving a matching grant. I pledged $100 earlier. I’ll change that to an offer to match one-for-one the first $500 that other people donate.
Have a happy Natus Solis Invicti. [1]
1. December 25th was, in the mid- to late Roman Empire, the birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun — which, beaten down to its low point at the winter solstice, would begin to rise back up with the promise of a new spring and summer to come.
I will, indeed!
And thank you!
Happy birth of the Unconquered Sun to you, too! (Bein’ my own natal day, I do rather like that historical association!)
> I do rather like that
> historical association
Percussa resurgo….
We had a quiet. lovely Christmas here — with grandmother, the kids, the cats, the tree… I got both kids Time Enough for Love, seeing as how Stranger was such a hit with them last year. One kids in particular really could use some of Lazarus Long’s attitudes about self-reliance and self-preservation. And the other one just had a bitter lesson in the dangers of wishful thinking, another of Lazarus’s themes. Maybe they’ll take it onboard better from him than from Dad.