I’m out when it comes to poly. People who know me well know I am. I put my poly writing and stuff on my CV. Plenty of people who read this know my “real name”. Given the US political climate these days, I’m occasionally concerned about it. But since one cannot stuff the genie back…
Category: The Polyamory Community
The Anti-Polyamory Press is at it Again
Why “Open” Marriages Don’t Work. This article is a bit insidious and I find it disturbing. The basic allusion is that anyone who wants to be poly is damaged somehow and might actually have Schizoid Personality Disorder. I deeply disagree with many points in her article. Where there’s not an armchair diagnosis, she seems to…
“Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a good deal of telling anyway.” — J.R.R. Tolkein Apparently…
Secondary Clarity
What with lots of couples going poly and thinking that they can experiment with other people’s hearts as an appropriate safeguard to their own marriage, I’d like to present the following for anyone considering being a secondary in a relationship. The idea and most of the text is Edward Martin, III’s; and Franklin Veaux made…
Off-Topic, but Important
I recognize many of my readers have their pet charities and causes. For that, thank you. Anything you do to make the world a better place is a good thing, and I’m always happy to hear stories about it if you want to tell them to me. For those of you who don’t and are…
The Goddess of Java asks YOU!
I got so many thoughtful and interesting answers to last week’s question, I just had to roll with it again. Thanks for everyone who answered. For those of you who are poly and have had children born into your poly circles, I’m wondering how it affected you? What changes did you see in your poly…
Love Has No Boundaries
This time, I’d like to hear from anyone that wants to sound off on the subject. I see the phrase “Love has no boundaries” frequently. Frankly, I do have a reaction to that (which if you read this much, you’d probably guess). But I want anyone who wants to tell me to let me know…
Repost: The Holiday Spirit
Originally published at http://www.polyfamilies.com/misanthrope20041225.html Well, honestly? I think a lot of people who complain about not having any holiday spirit do so because they don’t feel that they’re festive enough, rather than accepting whatever level of festiveness they happen to feel at the moment. I mean, you’re not going to feel wonderful just because it…
Universal Principles
The Polyamorous Misanthrope was supposed to be a weekly column. It was for awhile and then I started drying up for topics. Why? Well, as I study polyamory, I see more and more that the advice I give, the lessons I’ve learned and the observations I make are less about having good multiple relationships and…
Prove Me Wrong
I recently made the assertion in my infinite wisdom and exquisitely refined good taste that in general, poly poetry is Vogon poetry. So, here’s your chance to prove me wrong. Write a poly poem that’s actually good and post it here. I’ll tell you whether I think it’s Vogon Poetry or not. I really will,…