Okay, I’ve had it with the whole boilin’ of you nutcases! What in the hell is wrong with you that you’re okay with treating other human beings as need fulfillment objects? A good seventy percent of the letters I get aren’t about how to handle a person to person relationship, but how to get another…
Category: rant
My Penis is too Magical
I was snarking how it is so common for a woman to be looking for a sisterwife, and commenting that you never see a man looking for another brotherhusband when people are looking for a third to add to a marriage. In mentioning this to The Prince, with references to a One Penis Policy, he…
More Anti-Poly Advice
Open Relationships: Partners, Threesome, Swinging, Polyamory and/or Including Any Additional Partner In Your Sexual Marital Relationship No, the answer is NO – DO NOT, I repeat in capital letters: DO NOT have any additional partner/person in your marriage. Threesomes, swinging, polyamory, any inclusion of any one in addition to your spouse as a sexual partner…
You’re All Fucking Idiots
About seven or eight years ago, I was unemployed over a summer. Well, not so much unemployed as I was looking for “Real Jobs” through a temp agency and being what’s now called Virtual Assistant[1] intermittently, and cleaning up the code on websites for clients. This left me time to kibbitz with my then-wife in…
The One Penis Policy
Many moons ago, I ran across a term that just tickled the hell out of me, both for its succinctness and its applicability to many polyamorous situations. I wish I’d come up with it, because it’s just that good. It’s called the One Penis Policy, and it tends to run something like this: Male: Hey,…
Sexual Tastes
If you have a sexual taste and think you’re the only person who has it, you’re probably wrong. If you have a sexual taste and think that everyone shares it, you’re probably wrong. This has been a Public Service Announcement from the Goddess of Java and the Society for Putting Things on Top of Other…
Love Has No Boundaries
This time, I’d like to hear from anyone that wants to sound off on the subject. I see the phrase “Love has no boundaries” frequently. Frankly, I do have a reaction to that (which if you read this much, you’d probably guess). But I want anyone who wants to tell me to let me know…
Tips To Couples Looking to Add an Additional Person Into Their Relationship
This column is written by guest author Holly Bernabe. She wrote it to try to help people posting sex or relationship ads to polyamorous discussion list why the list reaction tended to be less than stellar, and to help them be successful in finding the relationships they wanted. I received your email/ad on my group…
Wishful Thinking Doesn’t Work
I don’t usually rant at monogamous people. Polyamorous people in general provide more than enough rant fodder and idiocy to be going on with. But a couple of incidents have bubbled across my brain in the last few months that I just don’t wanna keep quiet. My monogamous bretheren… If you wind up on a…
Personal Ad Translation Service
Personal ads tend to have their own code. You won’t realize exactly what the person is really expressing until you get involved with them. So here I am, in my infinite generosity, to explain a little about this and decode some of the more common phrases found in ads looking for relationships. I have a…